

Kinetic Shapes: Analysis, Verification, and Applications

Kinetic Shapes: Analysis, Verification, and Applications

Welcome to a world where shapes come alive and transform in mesmerizing ways! In this blog post, we will delve into the captivating concept of kinetic shapes, as presented in Handzic's research paper titled "Kinetic Shapes" (2014). While the paper may appear complex,...

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Design and Pilot Study of Gait Enhancing Mobile Shoe

Design and Pilot Study of Gait Enhancing Mobile Shoe

Stroke is a leading cause of death and disability worldwide. One of the most common impairments caused by stroke is hemiparesis, which is characterized by weakness on one side of the body. Hemiparesis can affect walking, and people with hemiparesis often have...

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Wearable Gait Device for Stroke Gait Rehabilitation at Home

Wearable Gait Device for Stroke Gait Rehabilitation at Home

By: David Huizenga, Lauren Rashford, Brianne Darcy, Elizabeth Lundin, RyanMedas, S. Tyler Shultz, Elizabeth DuBose & Kyle B. Reed Stroke is a leading cause of disability in the United States. It is estimated that each year, more than 795,000 people have a stroke,...

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Neuroplasticity – What’s The Evidence?

Neuroplasticity – What’s The Evidence?

Neuroplasticity – What’s The Evidence? by Brie Darcy, PT, DPT Neuroplasticity - maybe you’ve heard the term, but what does it mean? Neuroplasticity is the brain’s ability to modify, change, and adapt (both structure and function) throughout life in response to...

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Moterum Research Presented at the APTA CSM

Moterum Research Presented at the APTA CSM

Moterum Research Presented at the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) Combined Sections Meeting Research conferences understandably look quite a bit different this year! Nonetheless, we were delighted to (virtually) present clinical research findings at the...

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Happy ‘Better’ Year!

Happy ‘Better’ Year!

Happy ‘Better’ Year and Tips for Meeting the Top 3 Resolutions (Even During a Pandemic) I recently wished a friend ‘Happy New Year’ and she responded with a phrase that continues to stick with me... Happy ‘Better’ Year! It’s true - I’d imagine that nearly all of us...

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Clinical Trials – An Overview

Clinical Trials – An Overview

Clinical Trials – An Overview by Brie Darcy, PT, DPT With the recent development of a COVID-19 vaccine, there has been a lot of discussion around clinical trials. Clinical trials are an essential and impactful part of healthcare. Broadly speaking, clinical trials are...

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Moterum Technologies: 2020 in Review

Moterum Technologies: 2020 in Review

Moterum Technologies: 2020 in ReviewAs 2020 comes to a close, we look back in gratitude for the support we have received in our efforts to serve the population of neural survivors. Below, we provide a summary of Moterum’s 2020 efforts and milestone achievements.Launch...

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Gait Analysis – What Can It Tell Us? – Part II

Gait Analysis – What Can It Tell Us? – Part II

Gait Analysis – The How and The Why (Plus 5 Key Benefits) Part II by Brie Darcy, PT, DPT At Moterum Technologies, one of our primary goals is not only to help people move more but to help them move better. This requires a substantial emphasis and understanding on the...

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Manuscript Published in Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation Journal

Manuscript Published in Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation Journal

Manuscript Published in Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation Journal We are thrilled to announce that our manuscript entitled “Wearable Gait Device for Stroke Gait Rehabilitation at Home” has been published in the journal, Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation. Topics in Stroke...

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10 MODIFIABLE Risk Factors for Stroke

10 MODIFIABLE Risk Factors for Stroke

10 MODIFIABLE Risk Factors for Stroke by Brie Darcy, PT, DPT October 29th was World Stroke Day. Almost a month later, the impact and awareness it created is still fresh in our mind. This campaign, hosted by the World Stroke Organization, is a GLOBAL movement dedicated...

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Gait Analysis – What Can It Tell Us? – Part I

Gait Analysis – What Can It Tell Us? – Part I

Gait Analysis – What Can It Tell Us? Part I by Brie Darcy, PT, DPT  Try the following exercise – close your eyes and picture three people walking. Imagine the first person is walking very quickly. They are taking long, fast steps and their arms are swinging rapidly...

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Moterum News: Manuscript Accepted in a Leading Journal

Moterum News: Manuscript Accepted in a Leading Journal

Manuscript Accepted to Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation  Our manuscript titled “Wearable Gait Device for Stroke Gait Rehabilitation at Home” has been accepted for publication to the rehabilitation journal, Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation! Topics in Stroke...

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Make Sure Your Recovery is on Track!

Make Sure Your Recovery is on Track!

 Don't let the pandemic slow your recovery by Umangi Singh, Brie Darcy, PT, DPT & Juanita Nidhindra Keep Your Recovery on Track! I was talking to a friend on the phone recently and she told me about one of the kindest ladies she knows - her neighbor. Her neighbor...

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Caregivers – We’re Here For You, Too

Caregivers – We’re Here For You, Too

Caregivers - We’re Here For You, Too By: Brie Darcy, PT, DPT When a loved one experiences a stroke, family, friends, and other loved ones may unexpectedly find themselves in a new role: caregiver. Unlike chronic or other progressive illnesses, a stroke often provides...

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