Last week the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine (ACRM) chose Moterum’s poster “Active Limb Orthosis for Home Use – Stroke Gait Rehabilitation,” as the winner of the 2019 Stroke ISIG Outstanding Scientific Poster Award (poster # 1025728). The poster was presented by Lauren Rashford, Director of Clinical Operations and Brie Darcy Clinical Research Manager. This poster displayed the results of the clinical trial run on the Moterum iStride DeviceTM in the home setting. There were a number of results presented from this research, but from a patient perspective, most importantly, more than 95% of the users improved in their walking speed AND more than 95% improved on at least one fall risk measure beyond a “minimal detectable change.” A minimal detectable change is the amount of improvement that clinicians and researchers consider to be meaningful and not due to chance or measurement error. This means that nearly all of the users of the Moterum iStride DeviceTM improved in gait speed and fall risk in a meaningful way. These were not just “scientific” improvements but they were real meaningful improvements to users. Check out a video of one of the participants here.
However, maybe the most striking aspect of this study was the fact that it was completed with chronic stroke survivors (more than six months post-stroke). The average time post-stroke for our participants was more than 61 months (5 years), with one participant more than 25 years post-stroke! At Moterum we are thrilled that this study provides evidence against the conventional wisdom that most to all improvement in movement for stroke survivors occurs within the first six or so months post-stroke. I have learned through talking with chronic stroke survivors and their loved ones how this conventional wisdom crushes their hope when coming home from the hospital and even years past their stroke. Our participant who was 25 years post-stroke improved her gait speed by 63%, and went from being a “limited community ambulator” to a “full community ambulator” (designations that indicate her walking speed became more “normalized” and consistent with the ability to fully participate in community activities). She also improved her fall risk across all metrics. All this even 25 years post-stroke! We are proud of her for still trying to get better after all those years, and we are honored that we could be a part of her journey.
At Moterum we strive to bring hope to all stroke survivors and their families, hope that you can continue to get better. We do and will work to support you in these efforts. We have recently begun taking pre-sale orders on the Moterum iStride DeviceTM , the product born from these and other clinical efforts. If you would like more information, please contact us here.
Sincerely, David E. Huizenga
CEO Moterum Technologies, Inc.